Step by step instruction Wincc OA and Modbus TCP

The purpose of this article is to provide a step by step directions for the development of the built-in Modbus driver settings in the SCADA system WinCC OA.

Unfortunately, the basic course, this connection is not checked and do not give step by step instructions, so I eliminate this gap.

Step by step instructions for connecting a standard station WinCC OA for Modbus TCP protocol. Use popular simulator Modbus TCP Modbus Tools protocol (Download)

  1. Must be pre-installed 64-bit operating system, or the key demo version Wincc OA (v3.14 or later)

  2. Download the link above and install ModbusPollSetup64Bit.exe and ModbusSlaveSetup64Bit.exe. Install these components to simulate data flow (sending-receiving telegrams) on the Modbus TCP protocol

  3. First run Modbus Slave (telegram generation) with the settings as shown in the figures, allowing work on the home network (upper tick)

more popular: WinCC OA&MODBUS TCP