Understanding Wonderware Application-Preparing Tag Database in Microsoft Excel

The following steps can be used to determine the Excel format in updating the database.

Start -Programs - FactorySuite - Intouch.
Select the application that has to be opened.
Right click on the application and select DBDump.
Save the file in a folder in D drive.

Now you can open the application to edit tagnames. In the first row, first column, replace the word ask to update. If you do not do this, then the user will be prompted to manually accept the modification of any newly added tag.

The existing tags will be categorized in its types namely :Alarm Groups, :Access name, :Memory Discrete, :IO Discrete, :Memory Real, :IO Real, :Memory Integer, :IO Integer, etc.

Any new addition of any particular type has to be inserted under the respective rows only. Once all the modifications are done, the tags have to be imported into the application. The following steps have to be done to import the database:

Start - Programs - Factorysuite - Intouch
Select the application to which the database has to be imported and then right click the application and select DBLoad.

You can see a dialog box appearing and choose the DB file which you want to upload to the application. Once chosen, Click IMPORT. Now the database is imported into the application.